
Thank you for ordering

thumbnail images of the AlphaID CONFIRM test, Alpha-1 Discussion Guide, and Alpha-1 Fact Sheet

You are one step closer to knowing

Here's what happens next

  • You will receive your AlphaID CONFIRM test in the mail in 7–10 business days.

Your test will include all the items your healthcare professional needs to perform the simple fingerstick.

  • Locate a healthcare professional with experience testing for alpha-1 and schedule an appointment. Since alpha-1 is rare, it is helpful to go to a healthcare professional who is familiar with alpha-1 testing.

Click below for a list of healthcare professionals who are familiar with alpha-1.

Find a Doctor

  • Bring your sealed AlphaID CONFIRM test to your healthcare professional's office to get tested.

Before your appointment, download the Alpha-1 Discussion Guide to help start the conversation about testing for alpha-1.